Curriculum for Excellence

Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Steven Flaws' 500 word story competition entry


There was a dwarf who dug holes. One day Steve the dwarf was digging a hole when gold popped out of nowhere. He put it in his dwarf riches bag, suddenly some more gold popped out of nowhere. He noticed that there was a hole on the outside of his bag. He looked inside his bag but there was no hole in it, but there was on the outside! He kept on putting the gold back in the bag but it fell out again. He took all the gold in the bag out and became a very rich dwarf.

All the other dwarves where jealous of his richness and they tried to steal his cash. Steve was a nice dwarf so he created a dwarf lottery of M1,000,000 dwarf pounds. Three week’s later a dwarf called Barry won it and became a very happy dwarf. He held a celebration party for his cash, unfortunately he spent it all and became a poor dwarf again.

One day Steve heard some dwarves outside his posh mansion. He got his butler to open the door; he heard a splat sound’ his butler got squashed and turned into a dwarf pancake. The criminals came into his room and squashed Steve and turned him into a very small dwarf. He called the MPD (mini police of dwarf’s) they came in and arrested the criminals, and took Steve’s butler to hospital. It cost 3,000 rubber bands to stretch them back to dwarf size. In the middle of the night there was a *twang* and the dwarves where back to normal size.

He went back to his house and heard someone talking in his living room. He slowly crept into the building and saw a talking frog. It said its name was Fribbity the Frog and he was lost in this place with some other frogs called Ribbety, Bribbity, Nibbity and Ponda. He got his skilful friends to come and build a big nice house for them, but the frogs didn’t like it. Fribbity asked for a pond with a big lily pad with a leafy house on top of it. Steve got some pond dwarfs to come and build a big clean kidney shaped pond with lily pads on it and one big lily pad with a leaf house on it. The frogs then lived there and Steve tried to find a way to get the frogs back to there frog houses in Froggy Kingdom or Fribbitydibbity as some frogs may say. He went and asked Fribbity where his house was. He said he didn’t know where it was. After lots of research on an ancient frog map Steve and his butler found the place where he lived on the map. He excitedly leaped to the frog’s house and told them that he found their home. All the frogs where very happy but they wanted to stay at Steve’s big posh mansion so they did.

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