Curriculum for Excellence

Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Ewan Flaws' 500 word story competition entry

Jungle Adventure

Tom, a twelve year old boy lived with his dad and annoying little brother called John. Tom and John’s dad had a farm with 5 ducks, 4 cows, 6 sheep, 1 ram, 3 sheep dogs and 1 cat. “Tom and John, bedtime,” called dad. They went to bed, but Tom didn’t go to sleep, he snuck out and got into his dad’s boat, his sheep dog came too. He fell asleep in the boat. When he woke up he was a mile away from the jungle and there was a big dog swimming towards him. The big dog said “hello.” Tom was shocked. The dog was friendly and helped Tom in the jungle. Tom saw a crocodile and walked past it quickly and tiptoed into the jungle. Tom got lost in the jungle, “help I’m lost” he shouted. He saw elephants, tigers and cheetahs behind the trees.  He thought that if he was sneaky enough he could sneak past them and find his way out but they heard him and the cheetahs and tigers went after him!  He got deeper into the jungle and saw the crocodile again and the crocodile went after him “SNAP?”     

“What?  The card game SNAP?” Tom asked.

“Yeh” the crocodile said.  “You fancy a game?”  They play a game of SNAP, crocodiles, cheetahs and tigers too.


The End      


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