Curriculum for Excellence

Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens

Friday 27 April 2012

Windy Wendy’s head spins round                                        Testa di Windy Wendy gira intorno
She Is so tall she can’t touch the ground                            Lei è così alta che non può toccare il suolo
She gives us eNergy everyday                                              Lei ci dà l'energia di tutti i giorni
AnD makes it less for us to pay                                            E la rende meno per noi a pagare
WindY Wendy works quite hard                                           Windy Wendy lavora molto difficile

But Wendy never gets a thank-you card                              Ma non Wendy ottiene un biglietto di ringraziamento
Every day she sits on the hill                                              Ogni giorno si siede sul colle
Windy WeNdy never ever gets ill                                       Windy Wendy non viene mai mai male
The winD blows Wendy’s blades around                              Il vento soffia Wendy di lame in giro
WendY is white and not brown                                           Wendy è bianco e non marrone

By Karin Flaws

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