Curriculum for Excellence

Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens

Friday 27 April 2012

Whirly Wally                                                      Whirly Wally

Whirly Wally had a friend                                                   Whirly Wally aveva un amico
She Has almost met her end                                                  Ha quasi incontrò la sua fine
Her name Is Windy Wendy                                                  Il suo nome è Wendy Windy
And heR friend Andy                                                              E il suo amico Andy
We make lots of eLectricity                                                  Facciamo un sacco di energia elettrica
We have lots of publicity                                                      Abbiamo un sacco di pubblicità
Why is that you ask                                                              Perché è che si chiede
Well thAt’s a task                                                                Beh, questo è un compito
The wind whirLs us around                                                   Nei vortici del vento intorno a noi
Luckily we’re stuck to the ground                                        Per fortuna siamo bloccati a terra
Yay Yay Yay                                                                                                           Yay Yay Yay

By Annabella Daintith

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