Curriculum for Excellence

Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens

Saturday, 28 April 2012

As part of our Art project looking at the work of Chris Drury and creating things out of natural materials we learnt how to make pinch pots out of clay.  We are going to explore different natural ways of decorating our pots.

Duncan and Erin did a fantastic role play depicting a peer pressure situation.  Pupils gave some great advice to the two characters and made some really great points about the situation.

In Drama we have been exploring the feelings we can sometimes expereince during transition to a new school and when our relationships with friends change.  We have been using role play and discussion.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Wind energy is used a lot in Orkney                                   L'energia eolica è molto utilizzato in Orkney
Especially In winter to keep people warm                          Soprattutto in inverno, per tenere la gente calda
By poweriNg radiators                                                       Alimentando radiatori
anD electric fires                                                              e gli incendi elettrici

A wind turbine is used to power energy                             Una turbina eolica è utilizzata per l'energia
especially iN Orkney                                                          di alimentazione soprattutto in Orkney
There are 13 winD turbines                                                 Ci sono 13 turbine eoliche

Solar panels are used more and more                                  I pannelli solari vengono utilizzati sempre più
Each year in Orkney                                                            Ogni anno in Orkney
EspeciaLly in the summer time                                            Soprattutto nel periodo estivo
solAr energy is to take in heat from the                             l'energia solare è quello di prendere in calore dal
sun well not exactly heat moRe like rays                             sole non ben riscaldare più esattamente come i raggi

Energy in Orkney is                                         Energia in Orkney è
fasaNating very                                                                 fasaNating molto
Exiting to learn about it                                                     Uscire per conoscere lo
Renewable energy                                                              energie rinnovabili
Is Great                                                                            è grande
sorrY I repeated myself                                          Mi dispiace ripetere

By Tamara Taylor

We have an eTwinning partnership with Scuola Primaria Statale di Bagnolo Cremasco in Italy and Olnafirth School in Shetland.  We have been learning about Energy through Art projects.  We have been learning about other places views on renewable energy and recycling through images and poems.  Karin suggested we had a go at translating our poems into Italian using Google Translate.
Waves go down into the ground                                                            Waves scendere nel terreno
Water makes the energy run                                                                L'acqua dà alla conduzione di energia
Waves go down into pipes                                                                     Waves scendere in tubi
Energy gets made by the waves                                                            L'energia viene fatta dalle onde

Energy comes from the wave                                                             L'energia deriva dall'onda   
Energy is fun some comes from the sun                                             L'energia è un po 'divertente viene dal sole
Energy comes from different things like wave,                                L'energia deriva da cose diverse come onde,
tidal, wind and the sun                                                                      delle maree, il vento e il sole
Energy runs every day and people have less to pay                           Energia corre ogni giorno e la gente ha meno
Goes into the ground water does                                                        Goes nelle falde acquifere fa

By Max Baker
Wind is whooshing by                                                                            Il vento è da whooshing
In the air there is wind                                                                         Nell'aria c'è vento
Not good if snow comes                                                                        Non va bene se la neve è
Don’t waste energy in your homes                                                          Non sprecare energia nelle vostre case

Energy is made                                                                                      L'energia è fatta
Not good if lightning comes                                                                 Non va bene, se arriva un fulmine
Electricity is made                                                                                L'elettricità è fatta
Rain                                                                                                       pioggia
Great if wind comes                                                                              Grande se il vento proviene
Yah for saving money                                                                            Yah per risparmiare denaro

By Gavin Green  

Windy Wendy’s head spins round                                        Testa di Windy Wendy gira intorno
She Is so tall she can’t touch the ground                            Lei è così alta che non può toccare il suolo
She gives us eNergy everyday                                              Lei ci dà l'energia di tutti i giorni
AnD makes it less for us to pay                                            E la rende meno per noi a pagare
WindY Wendy works quite hard                                           Windy Wendy lavora molto difficile

But Wendy never gets a thank-you card                              Ma non Wendy ottiene un biglietto di ringraziamento
Every day she sits on the hill                                              Ogni giorno si siede sul colle
Windy WeNdy never ever gets ill                                       Windy Wendy non viene mai mai male
The winD blows Wendy’s blades around                              Il vento soffia Wendy di lame in giro
WendY is white and not brown                                           Wendy è bianco e non marrone

By Karin Flaws
Renew, reuse and recycle.                                                                    Rinnova, riutilizzare e riciclare.

Energy is generated by solar panels.                                                   L'energia è generata da pannelli solari.

New renewable energy devices.                                                                          Nuovi dispositivi di energia rinnovabili.

Escaping electricity bills using renewable energy.                            Sfuggire bollette elettriche che utilizzano energie rinnovabili.

Wind turbines produce energy for us.                                                                Le turbine eoliche producono energia per noi.

Any good energy is appreciated by us.                                                                Qualsiasi buona energia è apprezzato da noi.

Businesses that produce bad energy will soon be broke.                 Le aziende che producono energia negativa sarà presto rotto.

Lots of new energy is being produced.                                                                Un sacco di nuova energia viene prodotta.

Energy that is produced properly is good.                                          L'energia che viene prodotta è correttamente buono.

By Andrew Garson.

Whirly Wally                                                      Whirly Wally

Whirly Wally had a friend                                                   Whirly Wally aveva un amico
She Has almost met her end                                                  Ha quasi incontrò la sua fine
Her name Is Windy Wendy                                                  Il suo nome è Wendy Windy
And heR friend Andy                                                              E il suo amico Andy
We make lots of eLectricity                                                  Facciamo un sacco di energia elettrica
We have lots of publicity                                                      Abbiamo un sacco di pubblicità
Why is that you ask                                                              Perché è che si chiede
Well thAt’s a task                                                                Beh, questo è un compito
The wind whirLs us around                                                   Nei vortici del vento intorno a noi
Luckily we’re stuck to the ground                                        Per fortuna siamo bloccati a terra
Yay Yay Yay                                                                                                           Yay Yay Yay

By Annabella Daintith

Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Water is part of a wave.
          And goes in to the caves.
    It’s Very dangerous under water.
       Every single fish swims around and people love watching them.  

By Georgina Taylor

L'acqua fa parte di un'onda.
E va in alle grotte.
E 'molto pericoloso sotto l'acqua.
Ogni singolo pesce nuota intorno e la gente piace guardare loro.

Barry                                                                                 Barry
Bumping up and down on the waves,                                                    Sbattere su e giù sulle onde,

A thing called Barry,                                                                          Una cosa che si chiama Barry,

Really craves, salt!                                                                             Davvero agogna, sale!

Really craves, water as well!                                                               Davvero agogna, acqua come pure!

Yummy, sea.                                                                                        Yummy, il mare.
By Steven Flaws