Curriculum for Excellence

Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens

Friday, 25 April 2014

We have been learning about fossil fuels, how they are created and how they damage the environment.
We have been making and testing Renewable Energy Devices.  So far we have been learning about Solar energy, Hydro energy, Wave energy, Tidal energy and Wind energy.

We have been learning golf skills with Mr Swanney.

Checking on the wildlife in our pond.  We have lots of tadpoles.  Catherine decided we should cover the pond in a net to stop the birds eating the tadpoles.

Friday, 18 April 2014

P1-3 designed and made a fantastic ramp so we rolled our decorated eggs.

Easter homework - Decorate a boiled egg!

Making Easter baskets

We are learning Tag Rugby skills with Mark.

We had a visit from Liam McArthur MSP, who told us all about what he does as a member of the Scottish Parliament.  We also shared our thoughts and ideas on what is important for Orkney and Scotland.

We made Faberge Eggs with Mrs Mainland

P6 are learning Badminton skills with Miss Fergusson