Curriculum for Excellence

Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Ally and Ingrid came in to show us our GPS journey to Rinyo on Google Earth and they also brought some interesting bones for us to look at.  We used a skeleton image to try to figure out which part of an animal each bone came from.

We went to visit the archaeological site at Rinyo and the Bigland Round.  We learnt about surveying the site and we helped to measure and record the site using GPS and photographs.
Gavin also showed us the interesting bones and stones he has found up there.

Friday, 22 June 2012

We had a visit from archaeologists who are working on Rousay to tell us about the Rinyo dig.  We drew what we thought the people may have looked like in neolithic times and next week we are going to help the archaeologists survey the area.

We had a visit from the cartoonist Adrian Osbourne, who taught us how to draw cartoons by drawing letters, numbers, sausages and eggs.

Mr Vetterlein taught us about how our eyes work and how a telescope works.

We collected natural materials from Brae's wood to add to our season wheel.